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Welcome to the California Board of Accountancy's CPA Exam Application

Welcome to the California Board of Accountancy (CBA) Uniform CPA Examination (CPA Exam) application process. In addition to the helpful resources below, should you have questions at anytime during the application process, please contact the Exam Unit by email at examinfo@cba.ca.gov.

The CBA offers expedited application processing and direct assistance for past and present military personnel and their spouses/domestic partners, and to refugees, asylees, and special immigrant visa holders. To reach the military liaison, please contact by phone Toll-free at (833) 992-0577 or by email at militaryinfo@cba.ca.gov. To reach the refugee liaison, please contact by phone Toll-free at (833) 656-2318 or by email at refugeeinfo@cba.ca.gov.

If you are applying for the CPA Exam and require a reasonable accommodation, we encourage you to review the information on the Reasonable Accommodation webpage to avoid unnecessary delays in the processing of your request.

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