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Account Creation

You must create an account with the California Board of Accountancy in order to use the CBA's online Uniform CPA Examination Application System.

To establish an account with the California Board of Accountancy for the purpose of applying for the Uniform CPA Examination, complete the following information:

Personal Details
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Name Suffix
Unique Identifier

Enter the California Unique Identifier you were assigned from past exams.

Date of Birth (month/day/year)
/ /

User Name

Enter the user name you want, usually something like 'jsmith1'. This name cannot contain spaces or special characters. The User Name cannot begin with a number. It must begin with an alpha character. Note: This name is also case-sensitive. This is the name you use to log in to your account. Your user name cannot be less than 7 characters (alpha/numeric) or more than 16 characters (alpha/numeric).

E-mail address

Please confirm your e-mail address

You will be e-mailed a temporary password with instructions on how to change the password.
Once you have established your user name and password, you will have access to the information required to complete a CPA Exam application. You will also have access to the status of your application. If you choose, CPA Exam grade(s) information will become available once you have taken a section of the examination in the new computer-based format. A password will be generated and e-mailed to you to complete the account creation process.


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